Strength and Conditioning Blog | BridgeAthletic

Building Blocks: The Squat Progression Day 2

Written by Nick Folker | Aug 11, 2015 5:30:00 PM

Day 2: The Body Weight Squat

Welcome to day 2 of the Building Blocks progression powered by BridgeAthletic. Today we would like to share the second exercise of the squat progression, the body weight squat. Check out the instructional video below and keep progressing!

Exercise 2: BW Squat 

The BW Squat is an excellent introduction to squat mobility and form. Work on developing strength by increasing repetitions.

More Building Blocks:

Miss any of the progression or want to review? Check out the other building blocks below.

Day 1: Wall Sit 

Now it's your turn:

Thanks for joining us on the second stage of the squat progression. Follow us on Facebook at, Twitter at or on Instagram using the handle BridgeAthletic in order to see the rest of the progression.
Want Feedback? We're here to help. We highly encourage you and your athletes to share videos and pictures performing the exercises. Use #BuildBetterAthletes in order to receive feedback and guidance from one of our elite coaches on the BridgeAthletic Performance Team. 
Be sure to check back tomorrow for more Building Blocks!