Strength and Conditioning Blog | BridgeAthletic

Foam Rolling Lower Variation | BridgeAthletic

Written by BridgeAthletic | Apr 18, 2020 5:47:15 PM


Part 2 of this weeks #BridgeFit variation brought to you by BridgeAthletic in collaboration with EXOS is a lower body foam rolling variation. Every week we'll examine variations and modifications of exercises to optimize performance, mitigate injuries, and power the plateaus. 

Variation 1: Foam Roll - Hamstring

Cue 1: Sit on foam roller under hamstring, just above knee. Other foot and both hands on floor.

Cue 2:Use hands and feet to roll up the hamstring.

Cue 3:Focus on points of tension.

Cue 4:Roll back and forth on hamstring for prescribed reps, the switch sides.

Variation 2: Foam Roll - Quadriceps

Cue 1: Lie face down with foam roller under thigh, just above knee. Both hands on floor under shoulders

Cue 2: Use hands to push body towards feet.

Cue 3: Focus on points of tension.

Cue 4: Roll back and forth on quad for prescribed reps, the switch sides.

Variation 3:Foam Roll - Glute Max

Cue 1: Sit figure-4 with one glute on foam roller and that foot and both hands on floor.

Cue 2: Use hands and feet to roll up the glute.

Cue 3: Focus on points of tension.

Cue 4: Roll back and forth on glute for prescribed reps, the switch sides.


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