Strength and Conditioning Blog | BridgeAthletic

Lower Body Circuit 2 | BridgeAthletic

Written by BridgeAthletic | May 27, 2020 4:19:25 PM


Today's #BridgeFit workout is a 10 min lower body circuit.  

Complete all exercises below and then rest for 30 seconds. Repeat 4 times. 

Exercise 1:Split Squat Isometric

Cue 1:Stand. Feet at hip width. Chest up, back flat..

Cue 2:Step backward.

Cue 3: Plant back foot, front knee over ankle, back knee toward floor. Hold for prescribed time.

Cue 4: Drive off back foot to starting position.

Exercise 2: Squat Jump Continuous

Cue 1: Standing. Feet hip width. Chest up, back flat.

Cue 2: Quarter squat. Extend hips, swing arms, drive through heels to lift body.

Cue 3: Land softly with your hips back and down. Quickly repeat for prescribed reps.

Cue 4: Extend hips, knees, ankles. Elevate body from floor. Switch leg position while elevated.

Cue 5: Absorb weight in lunge position.

Exercise 3: Lateral Shuffle - Continuous

Cue 1: Start in a standing position with feet hip distance apart. Sink into a deep knee bend and bring both hands up to chest

Cue 2: Start with right foot moving right and left foot following. Shuffle right for four steps, then move left for four steps.

Cue 3: Continue shuffling right - left for the desired time.

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