Strength and Conditioning Blog | BridgeAthletic

Medicine Ball Variation | BridgeAthletic

Written by BridgeAthletic | Jun 27, 2020 5:17:00 AM


This weeks #BridgeFit variation brought to you by BridgeAthletic in collaboration with EXOS is a medicine ball variation. Every week we'll examine variations and modifications of exercises to optimize performance, mitigate injuries, and power the plateaus. 

Variation 1: Medicine Ball Chest Pass - Standing



Cue 1: Stand feet hip width. MB held directly in front of chest with both hands. Slight bend in knees.

Cue 2: Quickly extend arms, hips. Release MB when arms are extended. Slight bend in knees.

Cue 3: Arms fully extended, MB released. Slight bend in knees.

Cue 4: Catch MB as it rebounds back towards body with both hands. Slight bend in knees.

Cue 5: Repeat for prescribed reps.


Variation 2: Medicine Ball Overhead Slam



Cue 1: Standing, feet hip width. MB held over head with both hands. Slight bend in knees.

Cue 2: Drive MB down to floor. Slight crunch in core. Release ball at hip level. MB lands between feet.

Cue 3: Slight bend in knees, catch MB as it rebounds back up. Repeat for prescribed reps.

Variation 3: Squat to Press - Medicine Ball



Cue 1: Standing. Feet hip width, toes angled slightly out. Hold MB at chest height.

Cue 2: Sink hips. Thighs parallel to ground, knees over ankles. Back flat.

Cue 3: Drive through heels. Back flat, chest up. Do not lock knees at top.

Cue 4: Extend arms up overhead pressing the MB toward the ceiling. Return the MB to chest and continue for prescribed reps.