Strength and Conditioning Blog | BridgeAthletic

Nick's Collegiate Championship Series - Performance Exercises

Written by Nick Folker | Mar 8, 2014 12:52:00 AM

Throughout the collegiate championship series, we will highlight some key training elements that can help you perform at your best. In this episode, I have chosen to highlight three exercises. The first is the Superman Level 2 - a great scapula, shoulder and back maintenance exercise and one that also prepares you for explosive movements such as today's Incline 3-Way Clap Pushup. This is a great to add during your championship phase. The Seated Hamstring on Hamstring is the final exercise. It is a very useful recovery exercise to use post-travel and post-competition. See you back here next week, Bridge fans.

Check out the next episode of the series, as Nick Folker will bring you additional performance exercises.