Strength and Conditioning Blog | BridgeAthletic

Upper Body Circuit 3 | BridgeAthletic

Written by BridgeAthletic | Sep 11, 2020 8:48:08 PM


Today's #BridgeFit workout is a 10 minute upper body circuit.  

60 seconds Push Up to Lateral Plank

30 seconds Ts (TRX)

30 seconds Pillar Bridge - with Arm Lift

30 seconds Rest 


Exercise 1:Push Up to Lateral Plank

Cue 1: Push-up position. Hands slightly wider than shoulder width. Back flat, head neutral.

Cue 2: Hinge at elbows, chest towards floor. Back flat, head neutral.

Cue 3: Push torso. Lift arm, rotate torso. Grounded arm, chest, extended arm all aligned.

Cue 4: Rotate torso and return to start position. Hinge at elbows, chest towards floor. Back flat, head neutral.

Cue 5: Push torso. Lift opposite arm, rotate torso. Grounded arm, chest, extended arm all aligned.


Exercise 2: Ts (TRX)

Cue 1: Lean body back supported by TRX. Neutral grip on handles, arms extended.

Cue 2:  Pull body to stand by extending arms perpendicularly to 'T' position (90 degrees). Core tight.

Cue 3: Controlled, lean body back to starting position. Core tight.

Cue 4: Pull to 'T' position. Repeat for prescribed reps.


Exercise 3:Pillar Bridge - with Arm Lift

Cue 1: Front bridge position. Head, shoulders, back, glutes all aligned. Core tight.

Cue 2: Extend one arm in front of body. Arm, head, shoulders, back, glutes all aligned.

Cue 3: Controlled, return arm to floor. Starting position.

Cue 4: Extend opposite arm in front of body. Arm, head, shoulders, back, glutes all aligned.

Cue 5: Controlled, return arm to starting position. Repeat, alternating arms for prescribed reps.