This weeks #BridgeFit variation brought to you by BridgeAthletic in collaboration with EXOS is Upper Push. This variation is bodyweight only exercises that you can perform while you train from home. Every Thursday we'll examine variations and modifications of exercises to optimize performance, mitigate injuries, and power the plateaus.
Variation 1: Push Up to Lateral Plank
Cue 1: Push-up position. Hands slightly wider than shoulder width. Back flat, head neutral.
Cue 2: Hinge at elbows, chest towards floor. Back flat, head neutral.
Cue 3: Push torso. Lift arm, rotate torso. Grounded arm, chest, extended arm all aligned.
Cue 4: Rotate torso and return to start position. Hinge at elbows, chest towards floor. Back flat, head neutral.
Cue 5: Push torso. Lift opposite arm, rotate torso. Grounded arm, chest, extended arm all aligned.
Variation 2: Pillar Bridge to Plank
Cue 1: Position elbows under shoulders, on floor. Legs extended, toes on floor. Hands and forearms on floor.
Cue 2: Transition one hand below shoulder. Other elbow on floor. Core tight, head neutral.
Cue 3: Transition other hand below shoulder. Lift body to push-up position. Repeat for prescribed reps.
Variation 3: Downward Dog to Overhead Press
Cue 1: Position hands under shoulders and toes on floor. Pushup position.
Cue 2:Push torso towards feet and lift hips towards the sky. Core tight.
Cue 3: Bend at the elbows to lower your face towards the ground. Push through your hands back into position.
Cue 4: Repeat for prescribed reps. Controlled, return to starting position.
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