Strength and Conditioning Blog | BridgeAthletic

Weekend Warrior: Week 1

Written by Nick Folker | Jul 30, 2015 10:28:00 PM
This Weekend Warrior Workout is an entry-level body weight workout that will take you through multiple planes of motion. Your coordination and muscular endurance will be tested. Be sure to focus on form as you navigate through this first Weekend Warrior Workout.


Even Warriors need instruction every once and a while. Check out our Weekend Warrior Week 1 instructional videos for an in depth look at how to complete the workout!


Jumping Jacks

Movement Prep:



Squat Lunge Combo


Tempo Pushup



1/2 V-Up


Traveling this weekend?

Check out some of Nick Folker's secrets to remaining healthy out on the road. 

Stay fit, stay safe, and enjoy the weekend!