Strength and Conditioning Blog | BridgeAthletic

Workout of the Week: An Intro to Metabolic Training

Written by Nick Folker | Sep 2, 2015 8:11:00 PM
We hope you share this workout of the week with all your athletes. This a great complement to any training session. Be sure to focus on maintaining a high paced workout. I'd recommend 5 seconds of rest in between sets and 1 minute of rest in between each block (Ie: Lower, Upper, Core). 
Let us know how your teams do with this workout and feel free to share!

Jumping Jacks

Lying Thoracic Mobility Squeeze

Hot Lizzard


Goblet Squats


Tempo Pushup (3/0/1)

Front Bridge Rocker



Be sure to check back next week for more workouts!