Strength and Conditioning Blog | BridgeAthletic

Building Blocks: The Bi-Lateral Lower Extremity Jump Progression Day 4

Written by Nick Folker | Sep 18, 2015 2:12:14 AM

Tuck, Roll, Jump adds coordination and kinesthesia to the jump progression. Make sure to only perform this once you have mastered your landing technique.

Exercise 4: Tuck, Roll, Jump


Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart. Shift your center of gravity forward to roll your body out of the tuck. When starting out use your arms to swing forward and push off the ground with your hands. As you improve, use this method less and less. Generate enough momentum coming out of the tuck to get onto your feet. In a smooth movement, plant your feet, keeping your knees in-line, swing your arms and jump onto the box. Stand up into extension. Step down slowly from the box to the start position. Repeat for prescribed reps.


More Building Blocks:

Check out more from our building Blocks Series.

Download our e-book to receive an in-depth look at our full August Building Blocks!

Day 1: Box Jumps
Day 2: Star Jumps 
Day 3: Seated Box Jump


Thanks for joining us on the first stage of the BW Pullup progression. Follow us on Facebook at, Twitter at or on Instagram using the handle BridgeAthletic in order to see the rest of the progression.
Want Feedback? We're here to help. We highly encourage you and your athletes to share videos and pictures performing the exercises. Use #BuildBetterAtheltes in order to receive feedback and guidance from one of our elite coaches on the BridgeAthletic Performance Team. 
Be sure to check back tomorrow for more Building Blocks!