Strength and Conditioning Blog | BridgeAthletic

Shoulder Series Variation | BridgeAthletic

Written by BridgeAthletic | Jul 10, 2020 5:16:20 PM


This weeks #BridgeFit variation brought to you by BridgeAthletic in collaboration with EXOS is a shoulder series variation. Every week we'll examine variations and modifications of exercises to optimize performance, mitigate injuries, and power the plateaus. 

Variation 1:Overhead Press - Standing Dumbbell




Cue 1: Stand. Feet hip width, toes forward. Dumbbells above shoulders. Chest up, back flat.

Cue 2: Push dumbbells upward, extending arms. Dumbbells meet above head. Chest up, back flat.

Cue 3: Lower dumbbells to starting position. Chest up, back flat. Repeat for prescribed reps.


Variation 2: Lateral Shoulder Raise - Dumbbell 


Cue 1: Stand feet hip width. Arms extended, dumbbell held in front body at hips. Back flat, head neutral.

Cue 2: Lift dumbbells to shoulder height to side of body, parallel with floor. Back flat, head neutral.

Cue 3: Return to start position. Repeat for prescribed reps.

Variation 3:Plank - with Shoulder Tap


Cue 1: Pushup position. Hands under shoulders, core tight.

Cue 2: Raise one arm and cross your body. Tap your opposite shoulder. Core tight, head neutral.

Cue 3:Controlled, return arm to starting position.

Cue 4: Extend arms up overhead pressing the MB toward the ceiling. Return the MB to chest and continue for prescribed reps.