We’re excited about this week’s Weekend Warrior workout. Get excited, grab a partner (spoiler alert their are partner squats!) and get going!
Be sure to be focus on your warmup. The Jumping Jacks will help prime your body for the rest of the workout.
This week, we’ve included one of our favorite exercises, the Bear Crawl. Get on all-fours - keep your hips low and work on that coordination. Next, for the rest of Round 1, perform the combination of Partner Squat, Pushups and Continuous Jacknives .
For Round 2, combine Bear Crawl, Tuck Jumps, Supine Row and Continuous Jacknives.
If you chose to go 3 rounds, after the Bear Crawls, we give you the choice of either Partner Squats or Tuck Jumps, and either Pushups or Supine Row, finishing off with Continuous Jacknives.
Have a great workout and even better weekend!

Jumping Jacks
Bear Crawl
Partner Squats
Tuck Jumps
Max Pushup (20 seconds)
Max Supine Row (20 seconds)
Continous Jacknives
Congrats on jump starting your weekend with the Warrior Workout? Challenge friends to join the crew!
Avoid unhealthy eating this weekend!