#BridgeBuilt Series: Palo Alto Stanford Aquatics (PASA)-Cardinal
Every day at BridgeAthletic headquarters, we hear tales from coaches and athletes across sports of how the Bridge platform has helped them - by making the coaches more efficient, the department more connected, or the athletes' development more accessible than ever. These are stories of championships, obstacles overcome, and goals achieved. It’s what keeps us doing what we do every day, striving to build better athletes across sports and around the world. Featured here in our #BridgeBuilt Series is swim club, PASA-Cardinal. Read on to see how Joey Sementelli and his athletes leverage the BridgeAthletic swim programs and platform to become smarter, faster and stronger!
As the #1 Club Team in Northern California, PASA-Cardinal’s success is evident. Lead by coach Joey Sementelli, PASA leverages BridgeAthletic’s programming for the primary purposes of injury prevention, speed and education. With a variety of experience levels in the pool, Coach Sementelli focuses on developing athletes’ capability both in and out of the water. He attributes his athletes’ improved speed and strength to the repetition and instruction offered by Bridge’s programming and Performance Specialists stating:
"Our athletes have improved their mobility and developed strength with the specific intention of preventing injury and swimming fast. The program design and consistency has helped our athletes improve technically through each exercise, and it has allowed them to build on their skill sets and strength improvements throughout the course of each season."
Coach Sementelli and his staff value the early stages of an athlete’s development as a time to learn best habits and practices that will help define success as an experienced athlete. PASA-Cardinal leverages BridgeAthletic’s step-by-step instruction and hands-on guidance through fundamental movements. By doing so, their athletes have become stronger and more capable of learning a variety of advanced exercises sooner than they could have on their own.
Furthermore, the ability to communicate and track progress has proven most impactful for Coach Sementelli. He describes:
"Our athletes find the instant feedback that is delivered through the app to be very useful. Our staff enjoys being able to track the progress and feedback from each athlete as well. The platform is user friendly and helps get everyone - athletes, coaches, and Bridge Athletic staff - to be on the same page."
When you’re a large club like PASA, organizing and staying updated on individual athlete progression and performance throughout a dryland program can be a challenge. Particularly if you have a variety of experience levels and age groups. With Bridge at their fingertips, PASA-Cardinal is able to better monitor and interpret each of their athletes’ progressions throughout each season. Better yet, Bridge’s Performance Team communicates directly with their athletes, answering questions, commenting on technique and offering support for coaches to optimize athlete engagement. This uniquely hands on approach has helped these young athletes stay engaged to learn the funademntals in S&C devlopment, allowing them to more quickly and effectively develop as a well conditioned athlete, ready for the next level of competition.
Coach Sementelli and the PASA-Cardinal Team proudly graduates six seniors this year. Five of whom will swim in college:
Michael Chen - University of California, San Diego
Michael Lincoln - Brown University
Alex Hartman - University of Nevada
Kyle Fendorf - Claremont Mckenna
Kazu Temple - University of Maine
Maximilian Pokutta - Brown University
Sending our sincerest congratulations to Coach Sementelli and the PASA-Cardinal athletes as they continue to use Bridge to reach their goals!
Think your team should be featured on the #BridgeBuilt series? Reach out to your Bridge team representative or to marketing@bridgeathletic.com and tell us your story!
About the Author

At Bridge, we are all athletes and coaches first. As athletes, our team has experienced everything from riding the pine on JV, to winning NCAA championships, to competing in the Olympic Games. As coaches, we have helped countless athletes reach their full potential, winning everything from age group section championships to Olympic Gold Medals.
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