Concurrent Training with Trever Gray
In our fourth episode of this new season, we sat down with concurrent training expert, former swimmer, and professor at Tacoma College, Trever Gray.
Tune in to hear how Trever's leveraging these innovative protocols across his training and teaching. Whether you're a trainer, manager, or strength coach, get ready to explore a new method of training, intensity, and most importantly recovery.
Check out these spoilers…
♦ 00:00 - 4:30 Recapping Part I, Trever's background in concurrent and transference training protocols and the evolution of this methodology.
♦5:00-9:00 How coaches can best monitor different types of training protocols. As a hint, RPE is a key component of Trever's recommendations...
"...If you can quantified data in the off season, then the coach can say 'hey, we can actually go a little harder here' because they have that data to back it up."
♦9:00-11:00 We've heard it all before; sleep, sleep and more sleep is the key to recovery. But, why is there so much controversy with different training modalities for different sports?
"If you're increasing training load, you have to make up for it in your quality of sleep."
♦12:00-17:30 HIIT training & low intensity work influence this training. Access your local specialists to make sure you're implementing the right training protocols for your athletes.
"Think about the stimulus elicited from any type of training modality in a biochemical way...reach out to exercise specialists to ask how this works."
(Check out Bridge for tools to help you track duration x RPE everyday...)
♦ 18:00-20:00 Multi-sport participation in youth athlete development is VERY similar to this concept. Trever's warning: don't over schedule. Let your kids play!
♦ 21:00-24:00 The athlete mindset is changing. Unfortunately, it's the male athletes that are adopting varying training modalities more often. Make sure your female athletes are just as invested in their longterm success.
♦ 25:00-27:00 Gen. pop is it's own beast. Let your athletes have a say in the work that you do with them. That will go a much longer way in engagement than telling them what's best for their day-to-day. Don't forget about the value of HRV!
♦ 28:00-32:00 Nutritional considerations are key for great CT protocols. Make sure they're fueling properly so you can help them improve.
"There has to constantly be an adequate pool of micro and macro nutrients in the blood in order to get bigger, faster, stronger."
♦ 33:00-39:00 So, what should come first in Concurrent Training? Endurance or Resistance Training? Trever breaks this down and provides some fascinating recommendations and interventions for every athlete.
♦40:00-end Rapid fire, balancing work loads, finding resources and connect with Trever at Streamlined Swim Coaching.
Connect with Trever
Questions for Trever? Connect with him on his blog or shoot him an email:
Thanks to Trever for joining us for this 2 part episode of Season 2!
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