Today's #BridgeFit workout is a 10 min lower body circuit.
Complete all exercises below and then rest for 30 seconds. Repeat 4 times.
Exercise 1: 1/2 V-Up
Cue 1: Lie face up with back flat on floor and hands on thighs.
Cue 2: Lift shoulder blades and one leg at 45 degrees. Extend arms towards the lifted leg. Repeat for prescribed reps then switch legs.
Cue 3: Lift shoulder blades and both legs to 45 degrees. Extend arms towards legs. Repeat for prescribed reps.
Exercise 2: Alternating Rope Climb
Cue 1: Lie face up. Bend knees, feet on floor. Arms extended on floor, at side of body.
Cue 2: Lift torso off floor. Extend one arm directly above chest, reach towards ceiling.
Cue 3: Controlled, return to starting position. Repeat with opposite arm. Repeat, alternating arms.
Exercise 3: Russian Twists
Cue 1: Sit, lean body back at 45 degrees, lift feet from floor, palms touching in front of chest.
Cue 2: Rotate torso, reach hands to one side of body. Head neutral.
Cue 3: Rotate torso, reach hands to opposite side of body. Head neutral.
Cue 4: Feet off floor, head neutral, rotate torso to side of body.
Cue 5: Rotate torso back and forth for prescribed reps.
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