Developing Human Performance Technology | Episode #10 with EXOS' Stefan Underwood & CTO Fadi Zoghzoghy
In episode 10 of Powering Performance, we sat down with EXOS' Director of Continuous Improvement, Stefan Underwood and BridgeAthletic CTO, Dr. Fadi Zoghzoghy. During the episode, we dive into the Bridge+EXOS partnership, consider how to evaluate performance technology, and get some valuable insight into the evolving fitness industry and where we're headed from here.
Check out these spoilers…
♦ 00:00 - 10:00 Knowing when to scale and how technology can improve that human connection with a developing consumer mindset and interest in performance tracking.
♦ 13:00-22:00 The evolution of training technology and how to adopt new workflows. Understanding before implementing.
♦ 24:00-37:00 The Partnership. Exploring milestones, creating flexibility, providing value to personal trainers, and seeing how the tools developed as we learned from each other.
♦ 40:00 Educating others about the training technologies you choose to bring into your workflow
♦ 45:00 What's up next on Bridge's roadmap and what we're working on together. Hint, check out The Training Engine.
♦ 47:00-51:00 Advice to coaches and teams looking to implement all types of technology. Be patient; the learning curve can be quicker than you think.
♦ 52:00-60:00 What trends have developed recently that will impact the development of our clients and athletes?
Connect with Stefan & Fadi
Questions for Fadi & Stefan? Shoot us a note to and we'll connect you!
Thanks to Stefan and Fadi for joining us for this very special episode covering the evolution of human performance technology.
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