Today's #BridgeFit workout is a Round For Time block. Build this block into training for your athletes in the Bridge library.
Complete as this round of exercises as fast as possible for 10 rounds.
Exercise 1:Reverse Lunge - Alternating
Cue 1: Standing. Toes facing forward, feet hip width. Chest up, back flat.
Cue 2: Step backward. Sink hips, front knee over front ankle. Chest up, back flat..
Cue 3:Front knee over front ankle. Hips knee height. Body and back knee lowered toward floor.
Cue 4: Push off back foot. Continue to drive with lead foot to start position. Repeat alternating legs.
Exercise 2: Push Up
Cue 1: Hands on floor, below shoulders, arms extended. Legs extended, toes on floor.
Cue 2: Bend at elbows, chest towards ground. Back flat, head neutral.
Cue 3: Chest to ground. Arms bent at 90 degree angle. Back flat.
Cue 4: Push torso to starting position. Back flat, head neutral. Repeat for prescribed reps.
Cue 5: Push torso. Lift opposite arm, rotate torso. Grounded arm, chest, extended arm all aligned.
Exercise 3: Squat Jump Continuous
Cue 1: Standing. Feet hip width. Chest up, back flat.
Cue 2: Quarter squat. Extend hips, swing arms, drive through heels to lift body.
Cue 3: Land softly with your hips back and down. Quickly repeat for prescribed reps.
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