January 25, 2021 By BridgeAthletic

Total Body Circuit 4 | BridgeAthletic


Today's #BridgeFit workout is a 10 minute total body circuit.  

30 seconds Burpee

30 seconds Lateral Lunge - Moving

30 seconds Glute Bridge

30 seconds Pillar Bridge to Plank


Exercise 1: Burpee

Cue 1: Standing, feet hip width. Back flat, chest up.

Cue 2: Butt back, sink hips, knees over ankles. Squat position. Place hands on floor.

Cue 3:  Kick feet back, arms extended on floor, hands beneath shoulders. Push-up position.

Cue 4: Bring feet back to squat position.

Cue 5: Extend through knees, hips, swing arms to lift body. Repeat for prescribed reps.

Exercise 2: Lateral Lunge - Moving

Cue 1: Stand feet hip width, toes forward. Chest up, back flat.

Cue 2: Step laterally to the side, toes slightly out. Sink hips, butt back. Extended knee over foot.

Cue 3: Drive off extended foot. Lift body to starting position. Repeat for prescribed reps.

Exercise 3: Glute Bridge

Cue 1: Lie on back. Bend knees, feet on floor near butt. Butt, back, head, arms all on floor.

Cue 2: Elevate hips. Engage core. Shoulders, torso, thighs, knees all aligned.

Cue 3: Hold for prescribed time.

Exercise 4: Pillar Bridge to Plank

Cue 1: Elbows under shoulders, on floor. Legs extended, toes on floor. Hands and forearms on floor.

Cue 2: Transition one hand below shoulder. Other elbow on floor. Core tight, head neutral.

Cue 3:Transition other hand below shoulder. Lift body to push-up position. Repeat for prescribed reps.


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About the Author


At Bridge, we are all athletes and coaches first. As athletes, our team has experienced everything from riding the pine on JV, to winning NCAA championships, to competing in the Olympic Games. As coaches, we have helped countless athletes reach their full potential, winning everything from age group section championships to Olympic Gold Medals.

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