Introduce New Training in the Off-Season

This is the latest research on resistance training (RT) and its impact on running performance.
The study found that one lower body RT session impairs sub-max running performance for several days post-exercise.
Why is this important? While your athletes might not be training for the next Ultra marathon, it could inform how you introduce new protocols across your training seasons. This research is among the many pointing to the importance of a 'transition' period between seasons, a topic we're focused on due to the latest NCAA guidelines.

Researchers also found thermoregulatory measures remained unchanged, despite intense heat conditions and signs of elevated muscle damage. This is important as it provides some much needed clarity around how athletes adapt to training across more severe environments.
The study focused on heat-acclimatized, resistance untrained men. They found that while lower body resistance training may not increase the likelihood of heat-related injuries in acclimatized men during sub-max running, novice resistance trained athletes should refrain from endurance sessions for at least 48 hours after the initial training session.
Meaning, if you’re coaching young or novice athletes, you might not want to introduce a new training protocol right before race day.
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