Barbell Squat Variations | BridgeAthletic
Exercise Flasback:
The Barbell Back Squat has been covered in a previous Series, but we need to mention it as it forms part of this Variation.
Barbell Back Squat
Exercise Variation:
The Barbell Front Squat is the next Squat Variation. As with all progressions and loaded exercises, please ensure that you have taken the appropriate time and path to perform these exercises.
Exercise 1: Barbell Front Squat
Set the bar up on the rack a couple inches below your collar bone for optimal racking and re-racking of the bar. Walk in under the bar to meet it around the collar bone, set your hands comfortably on the bar slightly wider than shoulder-width, hooking your fingers under the bar. Wrap elbows under the bar and raise to shoulder height to create a shelf across the shoulders to support the bar.
Take a deep breath, brace your midsection and unrack the bar. Step back, set feet shoulder- width apart, toes slightly rotated out. Take another deep breath, keeping elbows and chest up, lower body slowly until thighs are parallel to the ground. Pause. Keeping elbows up, knees out, exhale and return to start position.Carrying the weight of the bar in the front, it is imperative to keep your elbows up as you return to the start position to avoid falling forward.
Work initially on a tempo of 2 to 3 seconds down, a slight pause and a controlled return to the start position. Do not lock your knees out at the top. Pause and repeat for prescribed reps
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About the Author

At Bridge, we are all athletes and coaches first. As athletes, our team has experienced everything from riding the pine on JV, to winning NCAA championships, to competing in the Olympic Games. As coaches, we have helped countless athletes reach their full potential, winning everything from age group section championships to Olympic Gold Medals.
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