Building Blocks: The Body Weight Pullup Progression Day 4
Day 4: The Assisted Chinup
Welcome to the fourth installation of the Building Blocks progression created by Nick Folker and powered by BridgeAthletic. Think you're ready for the pullup? Check out the Assisted Chinup and keep progressing!

The Assisted Chinup progresses the body weight pull from a horizontal pull to a vertical pull. This naturally increases the difficulty of the movement. To aid in the progression, we have added the resisted band to assist the athlete with the vertical pull. Using a chinup grip decreases the difficulty of the movement, aiding in the progression and allowing the athlete to perform more reps and hence improve vertical pull strength.
Exercise 4: Assisted Chinup
Pull your body in a smooth movement toward to the bar. Squeeze your elbows in to your side as you pull to get your chin above the bar. Pause. Slowly return to the start position. Pause. Without a big jerking movement, repeat the movement for the prescribed reps.
More Building Blocks:
Miss any of the progression or want to review? Check out the other building blocks below.
Day 1: Band Bent-Over Neck Pull
Day 2: Supine Row Hold
Day 3: Supine Row
Day 5: Pullup
Or download our e-book to receive an in-depth look at our full August Building Blocks!
Now it's your turn:

About the Author

Nick Folker is the Co-Founder and Director of Elite Performance at BridgeAthletic. Nick’s roster of athletes includes 35 Olympians winning 22 Olympic Medals, 7 team NCAA Championships and over 170 individual and relay NCAA championships.
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