In this episode of Powering Performance, we are joined by Pat Woodcock, owner of Elite Performance Academy in Ottawa, Canada. Tune in to hear more about how Pat grew his business, how he pivoted during Covid and evolved his clientele.
Ways to listen:
Check out these three highlights:
1. Pat speaks to some of the lessons learned from starting a private training business such as how/where to put your energy.
“I think the biggest one is being able to recognize what your strengths are, and what you're really good at, and having the confidence to outsource the things that you're not really good at.”
2. Pat shares what he sees as the biggest opportunities with the youth population he works with
“I think it's huge to start early on just because it gets [the athletes] used to the movements, trains them early as they're growing so that they're not trying to learn new things after they've had a growth spurt or something like that. And also it makes them comfortable in the gym environment, right. It doesn't become something foreign to them and they get used to having heavier things in their hands at times. “
3. Pat transitioned from helping only youth athletes to helping their parents train as well and speaks to how this expansion has helped him as a coach
“Looking for different variations and how to fit the movement pattern with the right exercise to meet that client, as opposed to well, everybody can squat or everybody can deadlift. You've got to figure out how to get that movement pattern but in a different way to make it fit. It's been really good in terms of getting a little bit more creative as a coach.”
Connect with Pat Woodcock
Instagram: @Elitecoach
Facebook: Elite Coach
Thanks to Pat Woodcock for joining us!