The Transition to Remote Training with Rachel Cosgrove
In a special edition episode of Powering Performance, we are joined by Rachel Cosgrove of Results Fitness. Tune in to hear about how Results Fitness is responding to gym closure in light of COVID-19 and tips to keep clients motivated while training remote.
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♦1:00-2:00 A little background on Results Fitness and the mission behind their business. A special shout out, Result Fitness will be celebrating their 20 year anniversary this month!
“We're personal trainers who love helping people and were frustrated by the standards in our industry. Our mission is to change the way fitness is done. We've had that mission, and we've consistently looked for ways to set a new standard and to treat all of our clients like athletes. They are athletes.”
♦ 2:05-2:30 In addition to Result Fitness, Cosgrove and team launched a second company, Results Fitness University. This a program set up to mentor and coach other fitness business owners on how to create a business based off a similar model to Result Fitness.
♦3:11 - 6:50 Cosgrove shares Results Fitness' approach to COVID-19 as they have been through many other crises as a company. The one thing that stays consistent is showing up for their athletes. They are doing this by setting up live stream classes, zoom calls with clients and delivering remote training through BridgeAthletic.
“You got to keep showing up every single day. And I think, especially for us in the fitness industry, this is more important than ever right now."
♦9:30 - 10:45 Cosgrove advice to trainers in her University as well others in the industry is to adapt and change in order to show up in the ways clients want, specifically by incorporating technology. Otherwise, it is easy to become obsolete.
"If we don't adapt and change and start to show up in the way that our consumer wants us to show up, you're going to disappear."
♦11:25- 15:20 Cosgrove explains the transition to remote training and implementing BridgeAthletic. Similar to many other organization, Results Fitness was using Excel for their program creation and delivery. Cosgrove speaks to changing from Excel to BridgeAthletic and the importance of getting athletes onboard.
"Of all of the softwares that are out there, Bridge is the closest to, and it's even better than Excel spreadsheets. We like all our percentages, equations and the Excel spreadsheet stuff that you can do. We just were not able to find another software that could do what we wanted it to do. With Bridge, we are super geeking out on all of this stuff we can do."
♦15:30 - 18:07 Cosgrove and her team are using motivational interviewing techniques to stay connected with their clients, not only to help the client but to help fill their tank up as well.
"As fitness professionals we need to realize our clients need us now more than ever”
♦19:50-21:00 Result Fitness is offering their business mastery course for free. Visit for details.
Connect with Rachel Cosgrove
Instagram: @rachcosgrove
Facebook: @ResultsFitnessSantaClarita
Thanks to Rachel Cosgrove joining us for episode 10th of Season 2!
About the Author

At Bridge, we are all athletes and coaches first. As athletes, our team has experienced everything from riding the pine on JV, to winning NCAA championships, to competing in the Olympic Games. As coaches, we have helped countless athletes reach their full potential, winning everything from age group section championships to Olympic Gold Medals.
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