Juicing: Revealing the Truth Behind our Blending Fad

By Megan Fischer-Colbrie on January 07, 2014

In recent years, juicing and “juice cleansing” have become extremely popular in the world of nutrition and dieting. The juicing trend is characterized by drinking blended fruits and vegetables, sometimes along with obscure extracts and supplements, as an alternative way to obtain nutritional needs.

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The Gluten-Free Guide for Athletes

By Shelley Harper on January 02, 2014

It is hard to ignore today’s buzz around being gluten-free. As an athlete I am always in search of ways I can give my body the best energy to increase my efficiency, strength and endurance. Based on today’s media, I find a gluten-free diet portrayed as a “must do”. I decided to critically investigate these claims, specifically researching the benefits and drawbacks in order to create this gluten-free guide for athletes. In addition, I also convinced myself to give up gluten for a month to find out if going gluten-free is right for me! Keep reading and you’ll learn the physiology behind going gluten-free, it’s relationship to athletic performance and my personal account of training without gluten.

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Training Levels and the Immune System

By Megan Fischer-Colbrie on December 19, 2013

Athletes are among the healthiest in any population, but training and recovery play a huge role in their susceptibility to infection. At low levels of exertion (e.g. walking), your body increases its natural killer cells (infection fighters), and with more intense exercise there is a more robust response. Stress from training stimulates an immune response in tissues. Moderate to strenuous stress allows the body to rebuild itself, but there is a tipping point.

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Nutrition Performance Trends

Nick's Travel Training Series - The Layover

By Nick Folker on December 06, 2013

Welcome to the second installation of our four-part travel training series. This episode is designed specifically for the layover portion of your airline travel. In this video, we will cover five foam rolling exercises that will help you work out some of the kinks from your flight. I have chosen the following combinations to target the areas of your body most impacted from sitting in a compact airline seat for an extended period of time.


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Athletic Nutrition of Almond, Soy, and Dairy Milk

By Shelley Harper on November 12, 2013

As a competitive or even a recreational athlete, the nutrients you put in your body are vital for optimal performance. Milk does a body good, right? But what type of milk is the best? There are fat free, low fat and whole versions of dairy milk, soy milk, as well as sweetened and unsweetened almond milk. Every type has something different to contribute in terms of nutrition. Reading the nutrition facts can help you find out which is best for you. First let’s get the skinny on almond milk.

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The Impact of Post-Workout Nutrition on Recovery

By Megan Fischer-Colbrie on October 22, 2013


We athletes tend to respect our bodies in the days or hours prior to a practice or competition, but what happens after?

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