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A Preparatory Training Approach To Improve Rucking and Loaded Movements

By Brian Sklenar on July 22, 2024

Rucking and load support in full kit is an activity that many Tactical Human Performance teams will help soldiers prepare for as part of their normal responsibilities.  The need for this may be due to preparation for selection, school, exercise, or deployment.  

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Training Tips Tactical Performance

Leaning into a Bottom-Up Framework in Tactical Human Performance Optimization

By JD Mata MS, CSCS,*D, TSAC-F,*D, RSCC on April 04, 2024

All views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the policies or opinions of the United States Government, The Department of Defense, or The Department of the Air Force.

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Coaching Tips Tactical Performance

Conditioning Protocols for Law Enforcement Officers

By Brandon Holder, BS, CSCS, USAW on March 05, 2024

Strength and conditioning programs designed for law enforcement officers can overexert the conditioning in a workout. These men and women often carry a strong and “more is better” mindset that we love as coaches and is a requirement for their work, but it can be detrimental to their long-term training progress. If not programmed appropriately, the conditioning workload will catch up and lead to exercise burnout, potential injury, or, at a minimum, a lack of improvement.

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Training Tips Tactical Performance

A Police Academy's Strength and Conditioning Program

By Brandon Holder, BS, CSCS, USAW on February 21, 2024

At a minimum, a police recruit's time during the academy will feel overwhelming. These future officers are spending several months just trying to keep their heads above water with the goal of graduation.

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Training Tips Tactical Performance

The Challenges of Training Firefighters: A 30,000-Foot Perspective

By Annette Zapp, MA, CSCS*D, CISSN on January 26, 2024

Question: Who plays a game of life and death with no time outs, no ability to periodize training for the big event, and often no knowledge or closure of if they even won or lost?  These games may be sporadic, clustered, or even non-existent for months, yet these individuals continue to train as if the situation is imminent. 

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Training Tips Tactical Performance