Building Blocks: The Metabolic Series Day 2

By Nick Folker on November 10, 2015

Burpee Box Jumps

Starting out use a box that is knee-height. As you improve at this exercise you can increase the box height. Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart. Perform a burpee without the pushup. Bend down to place your hands on the ground. Jump your feet back to end in a pushup position. As your feet touch, bring them back in one movement towards your hands. From this position stand up, then jump on to the box. As you get more familiar with the exercise, work on jumping from the crouched position on to the box. Focus on controlling the jump from the crouched positio to the box, especially as you tire. Step down from the box and repeat for prescribed reps or time.

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Performance Trends

Building Blocks: MB Series 2- Exercise 2

By Nick Folker on November 10, 2015

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Performance Trends

3 Ways to Maintain Your In-Season Strength

By Nick Folker on November 07, 2015


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Performance Trends

Four Steps to Better Championship Preperation

By Nick Folker on November 07, 2015



4 Steps to Better Championship Preparation

Championship season is the time of year when you put even more focus into water polo. As the physical demand of training lightens, how you manage the remaining hours in your day becomes more critical. Making your games and tournaments a priority doesn’t mean skirting other responsibilities—it just means planning ahead and practicing your best habits outside of the pool. Here are four ways to optimize your time as you prepare for a championship results:

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Performance Trends

Building Blocks: The TRX Series Day 4

By Nick Folker on November 04, 2015

The Hamstring Curls is a great subsitute for weighted exercises when travelling. A quick tip for this version - it is best to choose where the bands can freely hang down.
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Performance Trends

Building Blocks: The TRX Series Day 3

By Nick Folker on November 04, 2015

One of our favorite pulling exercises is the 3-Way Row. This can be used with resistance bands or suspension bands.
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Performance Trends

Building Blocks: The TRX Series Day 2

By Nick Folker on November 01, 2015

The Standing Pushup is a nice progression for athletes who have mastered the regular pushup and are looking for a new stimulus. Suspension training provides this stimulus for this incline version of the pushup without loading the shoulder joints like you would for a horizontal pushup. Start standing facing the suspension bands. Set the length of the band based on your experience and progression level. Shorter handle for a beginner then lengthen the handle as you advance Read More

Performance Trends

Building Blocks: The TRX Series

By Nick Folker on November 01, 2015

This week's Building Block is a TRX workout - 5-exercise workout using suspension training
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Performance Trends

Building Blocks: The MB Building Block Day 3

By Nick Folker on October 20, 2015

The MB RDL is a good teaching tool for developing athletes to learn the hinging movement before loading them with the bar. We also like to use it with athletes who struggle with hamstring flexibility.
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Performance Trends