Volleyball Psychology: 5 Mental Steps to Tournament Success

By Ami Strutin Belinoff, M.A on March 01, 2017

It’s getting close to that time of the season when teams have put in the hours building their strength and conditioning, perfecting skills sets, and running offensive and defensive schemes. The goal is to translate all that practice into tournament-winning volleyball that is not compromised by nerves or mental errors. Coaches should incorporate these simple yet effective mental skills and training principles.

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Volleyball Sports Technology

ACL Injury Prevention

By Dr. Emily Kraus on December 20, 2016

Whether you’re an athlete, coach, athletic trainer, or just an avid sports fan, you likely know someone with an injury to her or his anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) or you may have been in the unfortunate situation to experience the injury firsthand. ACL injuries are a common sports-related injury with an annual incidence of 120,000, occurring primarily during the high school and college years.1 Even more shocking is that this rate is increasing, especially in females. This article will focus on ACL injuries in the female athlete (although many recommendations can be applied to both sexes), with discussion on the science behind the injury, the debate on management options, and prevention strategies.

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Volleyball Sports Technology