Nick Folker
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Building Blocks: The Bi-Lateral Lower Extremity Jump Progression Day 4
By Nick Folker on September 17, 2015
Tuck, Roll, Jump adds coordination and kinesthesia to the jump progression. Make sure to only perform this once you have mastered your landing technique.
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Building Blocks: The Bi-Lateral Lower Extremity Jump Progression Day 3
By Nick Folker on September 16, 2015
The Seated Box Jump is a great exercise to teach hip speed and coordination. Like the regular Box Jump, try to use a soft box, such as a gymnastics box, instead of a metal box. Initially, set the box up at knee height. You will also need a box or bench to sit on. Make sure seat allows for a hip-knee angle just above 90 degrees to start with. As you improve over time, you can lower the height of the box or bench.
Exercise 3: Seated Box Jump
Building Blocks: The Bi-Lateral Lower Extremity Jump Progression Day 2
By Nick Folker on September 15, 2015
Exercise 2: Star Jump
Building Blocks: The Bilateral Lower-Extremity Jump Progression
By Nick Folker on September 14, 2015
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Exercise 4: Single Leg Wall Sit
Bridge Tip: Add this in to your single-leg progression once you have mastered the 1-Leg Box Squat.
Exercise 3: 1-Leg Box Squat

The focus of the workout is to go through the Metabolic block (Set 1 + Set 2 + Core) without any rest, with only 30 seconds between rounds. You have the choice of either performing 2 or 3 rounds based on your current fitness level.