Nick Folker

Nick Folker is the Co-Founder and Director of Elite Performance at BridgeAthletic. Nick’s roster of athletes includes 35 Olympians winning 22 Olympic Medals, 7 team NCAA Championships and over 170 individual and relay NCAA championships.
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Recent Posts

Building Blocks: The Front Bridge Series

By Nick Folker on September 21, 2015

The Front Bridge or Plank is a staple exercise in every athlete's programming. Some form of the Front Bridge should appear consistently throughout an athlete's seasonal/hyearly periodization. Developing athletes should emphasize smaller increments of time per set with the Front Bridge versus trying to see how long they can hold the exercise as their form deteriorates. Work on small increments of time per set focusing on perfect technique and gradually increase the time per set as you improve over time.

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Performance Trends

Building Blocks: The Bi-Lateral Lower Extremity Jump Progression Day 4

By Nick Folker on September 17, 2015

Tuck, Roll, Jump adds coordination and kinesthesia to the jump progression. Make sure to only perform this once you have mastered your landing technique.

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Performance Trends

Building Blocks: The Bi-Lateral Lower Extremity Jump Progression Day 3

By Nick Folker on September 16, 2015

The Seated Box Jump is a great exercise to teach hip speed and coordination.  Like the regular Box Jump, try to use a soft box, such as a gymnastics box, instead of a metal box. Initially, set the box up at knee height. You will also need a box or bench to sit on. Make sure seat allows for a  hip-knee angle just above 90 degrees to start with. As you improve over time, you can lower the height of the box or bench. 

Exercise 3: Seated Box Jump

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Performance Trends

Building Blocks: The Bi-Lateral Lower Extremity Jump Progression Day 2

By Nick Folker on September 15, 2015

Once the athlete has learnt the correct mechanics of the box jump and how to land on a soft, low box, we like to introduce Star Jumps. The Star Jump is a low-level plyometric that can be used by all levels of athletes. Athlete's must focus on full hip extension. Extension allows athletes get as high as possible in the air, which facilitates a soft, controlled landing. Unline the box jump, where athletes were focusing on single reps the start up forces athletes to progress to continuous repetitions. Instead, the Star Jump emphasises height per jump and power endurance as a result of the sets being continuous reps. 

Exercise 2: Star Jump

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Performance Trends

Building Blocks: The Bilateral Lower-Extremity Jump Progression

By Nick Folker on September 14, 2015

This week we are transitioning from our uni-lateral approach to the squat to introducing a bi-lateral approach to a jump progression. It is important to note that any well-rounded program should combine both bilateral exercises (split the resistance between two limbs) and unilateral exercises (stressing one limb) for maximum gains. I find this particular progression extremely useful, as learning proper jump mechanics and proficiency ensures maximum power-production and decreases the risk of injury and stress on your joints, especially as you move from body weight jumps to weighted jumps.

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Performance Trends

Building Blocks: The Single Leg BW Squat Day 4

By Nick Folker on September 11, 2015

The Single Leg Wall Sit is a natural progression from the regular Wall Sit and the fourth exercise of our Single Leg BW Squat Progression.

Exercise 4: Single Leg Wall Sit


Bridge Tip: Add this in to your single-leg progression once you have mastered the 1-Leg Box Squat.
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Performance Trends

Building Blocks: The Single Leg BW Squat Day 3

By Nick Folker on September 10, 2015

Introducing the The 1-Leg Box Squat. The 1-Leg Box Squat is a great assessment to check for hip and knee stability.

Exercise 3: 1-Leg Box Squat

Bridge Tip: For athletes that struggle with this, start with the box at mid-thigh height. As the athlete improves over time, lower the box height to increase difficulty.
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Performance Trends

Workout of the Week: A Second Look at Metabolic Training

By Nick Folker on September 08, 2015

New Call-to-action Entering week 2 of the Workout of the Week we are taking a second look at the metabolic workout. The warmup and movement prep have been selected to help you prepare for this metabolic block, so be sure to remain focused throughout the warmup.

The focus of the workout is to go through the Metabolic block (Set 1 + Set 2 + Core) without any rest, with only 30 seconds between rounds. You have the choice of either performing 2 or 3 rounds based on your current fitness level.
As always, d on't forget to do your flexibility work at the end of the workout to speed up your recovery.
Let us know how your teams do with this workout and feel free to share!
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Building Blocks: The Single Leg BW Squat Day 2

By Nick Folker on September 08, 2015

Today we will be introducing the BW Split Squat.

Exercise 1: BW Split Squat


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Performance Trends