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Understanding the Tapering Process: A Guide for Athletes

By Dr. Chris Myers, CSCS on July 25, 2024

As a strength coach and physiologist, I often get asked about tapering and how it fits into a training program. Simply put, tapering is the final step in a training plan to ensure athletes are at their best for a competition.

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Recovery Coaching Tips

Supplement Safety with Tactical Professionals

By Megan Lautz, MS, RD, CSCS, TSAC-F on September 26, 2023

Dietary supplements seem like the "magic pill" a tactical operator needs to perform better, increase energy, or gain muscle. After all, if the jacked guy on TikTok uses it, the supplement must work, right? While dietary supplement regulation and safety might not be the "sexy" topic for strength coaches, education is vital to reducing side effects and overall harm in your tactical professionals.

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Nutrition Recovery

Post-Training Nutrition for Tactical Professionals

By Megan Lautz, MS, RD, CSCS, TSAC-F on August 24, 2023

Eating after a workout can be a challenge for tactical professionals. Having grab-and-go fuel before they run to the next task is key to recovery. To recover appropriately, the energy burned from exercise needs to be replaced. A good post-workout meal replaces the carbohydrates burned during the workout and provides amino acids for optimal muscle recovery. 

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Nutrition Recovery

Sleep Series pt. 4 | Sleep Hygiene

By Jacob Behara MS, CSCS on August 15, 2023

Welcome to Part Four of our Sleep Series! In Part Three, we discussed the power of stimulus control in improving sleep. Now, let's dive into another crucial aspect of sleep improvement: sleep hygiene.

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Recovery sleep

Sleep Series pt. 3 | Practicing Stimulus Control

By Jacob Behara MS, CSCS on August 01, 2023

Welcome to Part Three of our Sleep Series! We're thrilled to take you on a journey through the world of sleep, where we'll be exploring everything from the basics to the more advanced concepts. In this series, we'll cover sleep hygiene and nutrition, sleep trackers, wearables, and more.

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Recovery sleep

Sleep Series pt. 2 | Everything you Need to Know About Sleep Stages

By Jacob Behara MS, CSCS on July 18, 2023

Welcome to Part Two of our Sleep Series! After covering the basics of sleep in our previous article, it's time to delve into the fascinating world of sleep stages and how they can impact our sleep quality. This is an exciting era for sleep research, as sleep wearables and trackers are gaining popularity, and since many of us own a sleep tracker to measure sleep stages, it's important to explore this topic in depth.

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Recovery sleep

Sleep Series pt. 1 | Sleep Basics

By Jacob Behara MS, CSCS on July 11, 2023

Welcome to Part One of our Sleep Series! We're thrilled to take you on a journey through the world of sleep, where we'll be exploring everything from the basics to the more advanced concepts. In this series, we'll cover sleep hygiene and nutrition, sleep trackers, wearables, and more.

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Recovery sleep

Late Night Practices Impact Sleep Quality

By BridgeAthletic on June 10, 2019

The Latest

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Performance Trends Recovery sleep News

Strength Training for Your Breath: IMST Uncovered

By BridgeAthletic on May 01, 2019


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Performance Trends Recovery News