Nick Folker

Nick Folker is the Co-Founder and Director of Elite Performance at BridgeAthletic. Nick’s roster of athletes includes 35 Olympians winning 22 Olympic Medals, 7 team NCAA Championships and over 170 individual and relay NCAA championships.
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Recent Posts

Nathan Adrian's Three Favorite Strength Exercises | BridgeAthletic

By Nick Folker on August 21, 2014

Download Take Your Shot at Greatness Today we will feature BridgeAthlete and Olympic Gold Medalist, Nathan Adrian.  Nathan is the best power sprinter in the world. He is currently training to defend his London Olympic performance where he won three gold medals.   His three favorite Bridge exercises are the Weighted Pull Up, the Hex Bar Dead Lift and the Disc Freestyle slide.  

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Performance Trends

Nick's Video Series - March Wrap-Up

By Nick Folker on April 02, 2014

Bridge coaches and athletes, it is great to have you back. This week is our last episode of the Collegiate Championship Series where we highlighted swimming and diving, and basketball content. In this video we are going to focus on four exercises aimed at improving p

erformance during this vital stretch of the season.
The Cat/Dog is an excellent warmup movement when faced with increased travel, hotels, and racing. The mainset exercise is the TRX Atomic Pushup, a great unloaded, full-body, plyometric exercise. Next, we move on to the Side V-Up, a core exercise aimed to help with turns and underwaters. The Lying Figure-4 stretch will wrap up today's workout, which is great for post-travel and post-competition recovery.

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Nick's Video Series - March Madness

By Nick Folker on March 21, 2014

March truly is a crazy month. The nation is a buzz with even the president filling out his own bracket. I am going to be highlighting areas such as post-competition recovery and best practices for travel. These areas are especially important during March Madness, where the teams that can best adapt are generally the teams that find themselves in the winner's circle. I have chosen a few exercises that can help athletes with this quick competition turnaround. The first is the Lying Abduction / Adduction, a contrasting movement warmup exercise. The main exercise for today is the body-weight band squat, excellent for developing quick hip speed. To recover from today's workout, I have chosen the Scorpion stretch, a great way to release tension in your hips.

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Performance Trends

Nick's Video Series - The Collegiate Championships Part II

By Nick Folker on March 14, 2014

Bridge coaches and athletes, it is truly great to have you back. March is one of my favorite months of the year, due to the excitement and passion that surrounds NCAA Swimming + Diving Championships and March Madness. In today's video, I have chosen to include a series of exercises designed to help prepare you for peak performance and to assist in battling through the taper blues. First is the TRX Balance Lunge. I have chosen this single-leg stability exercise as the warmup for today's workout. The plyometric exercise, the Dumbbell Jump Shrug, is a great loaded triple-extension exercise for all level athletes. The recovery exercise for today is the pigeon stretch. This movement will help you properly recover from the legwork and increase flexibility around the hip capsule.

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Performance Trends

Nick's Collegiate Championship Series - Performance Exercises

By Nick Folker on March 07, 2014

Throughout the collegiate championship series, we will highlight some key training elements that can help you perform at your best. In this episode, I have chosen to highlight three exercises. The first is the Superman Level 2 - a great scapula, shoulder and back maintenance exercise and one that also prepares you for explosive movements such as today's Incline 3-Way Clap Pushup. This is a great to add during your championship phase. The Seated Hamstring on Hamstring is the final exercise. It is a very useful recovery exercise to use post-travel and post-competition. See you back here next week, Bridge fans.

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Performance Trends

Nick's Collegiate Championship Series - Introduction

By Nick Folker on February 28, 2014


It's great to have you back, Bridge coaches and athletes. It is going to be tough to follow up the 2014 Sochi Olympics, but fortunately, we have plenty of championship events in the near future. To lead off, we have the NCAA Swimming and Diving Championships, featuring some of the best international aquatic stars. I truly believe that athletes hone themselves both athletically and personally at the collegiate level, and I am looking forward to seeing these athletes perform the their highest levels. I hope that you enjoy this time of the year as much as I do. Stay tuned in the weeks to come as I will focus on exercises to include during your championship phase.

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Performance Trends

Nick's Strength Training Series - Speed and Recovery Part IV

By Nick Folker on January 24, 2014

Bridge coaches and athletes, following is the final video in our Speed and Recovery Series. For this week's episode, we will preview the Medball Ballistic Pushup and the 3-Way Shoulder Stretch Series. The MB Ballistic Pushup may seem to be an upper-body exercise, but I classify it as a full-body plyometric exercise. It will help increase upper-body power, while strengthening the mid-section and lower back. It is a complete fingertips-to-toes movement. To relieve pressure placed on the shoulder joints and scapula, I have chosen to focus on the 3-Way Shoulder Stretch Series. This series will help the muscles used in the previous ballistic movement to recover for the next bout of speed work.

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Performance Trends

Nick's Strength Training Series - Speed and Recovery Part III

By Nick Folker on January 17, 2014


Welcome, Bridge coaches and athletes, to the third installation of the Speed and Recovery Series. Today, our resident Olympians will be taking us through the speed exercise, Incline Streamline Pushup, and the recovery, 3-Way Kneeling Lat Stretch. The Incline Streamline Pushup is an upper-body plyometric exercise. It is great for developing fast-twitch speed in the upper-extremities and hips. The 3-Way Kneeling Lat Stretch focuses on the muscles used in the ballistic upper-body movement, and is an excellent way to the body to recover and prepare for competition.

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Performance Trends

Nick's Strength Training Series - Speed and Recovery Part II

By Nick Folker on January 10, 2014

Great to have you back, Bridge fans. Welcome to the first episode of the Speed and Recovery Series, content that is dedicated to preparing you for a successful competition phase. In this episode, I have chosen to focus on the Seated Box Jump and the Hipflexor Stretch. The Seated Box Jump is an exercise that highlights hip speed, which is crucial in the majority of land based sports and all aquatic sports. To compliment that, I have selected the Hipflexor Stretch to aide in recovery. This exercise allows your body to fully optimize its hip speed leading into your competition. Let's get right into it. 


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Performance Trends