Building Blocks: The Deadlift Progression Day 4

By BridgeAthletic on September 03, 2015

Day 4: DB Deadlift

Welcome to the fourth day of the BridgeAthletic Building Blocks Progression. Today we are introducing the Dumbbell Deadlift.

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Building Blocks: The Deadlift Progression Day 3

By BridgeAthletic on September 02, 2015

Day 3: KB Goblet Squat

Welcome to day 3 of the BridgeAthletic Building Blocks Progression. Today we are introducing the KB Goblet Squat.

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Deadlift Workout | BridgeAthletic

By BridgeAthletic on August 31, 2015

Welcome to Volume two of the Building Blocks Progression powered by BridgeAthletic. Over the next four weeks we will cover a few more of the most important exercise progressions and topics for athletic development. Join us this week as we delve into the importance of the Deadlift. 

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Building Blocks: The Combo Pullup Progression Summary

By Nick Folker on August 26, 2015

Day 5: The Pullup

Welcome to the final installation of the second pullup progression in the  BridgeAthletic Building Blocks series . The second version in our Pullup progression has brought you to the same place - Pullup mastery. Don't forget to show us what you've got.

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Building Blocks: The Combo Pullup Progression Day 4

By Nick Folker on August 26, 2015

New Call-to-action Day 4: The Assisted Hammer-Grip Pullup

How are you and your team progressing towards the pullup? Today's exercise the Assisted Hammer-Grip Pullup is not only great prep for the pullup, but also an amazing test pullup preparedness. 

Using a hammer grip or neutral grip focuses on different musculature in the pull movement, which helps in the all-round development and progression of the pullup.

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Building Blocks: The Combo Pullup Progression Day 3

By Nick Folker on August 26, 2015

New Call-to-action

Day 3: The Lawn-Mower pull

Welcome to day 3 of the combo pullup progression. Today we are introducing the Lawn-Mower Pull!

The Lawn Mower Pull is the first unliateral movement in the Pullup progression. Unilateral exercises use one side of the body, such as one arm or one leg. They help to eliminate strength imbalances between extremities in the same movement pattern.

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Building Blocks: The Combo Pullup Progression Day 2

By Nick Folker on August 25, 2015

Day 2: Decline Lat Pulldowns

Welcome to day 2 of the Building Blocks progression powered by BridgeAthletic. The second exercise in this progression is the Decline Lat Pulldown.

Before beginning, note the difference between this exercise and a regular Lat Pulldown. This version requires you to lean back at a 45-degree angle instead of sitting upright. This puts more focus on the lats, especially lower lats, and midsection while easing the pressure that the regular Lat Pulldown places on the shoulder capsule.

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How to Do a Seated Cable Row | BridgeAthletic

By BridgeAthletic on August 24, 2015

Welcome to the fourth week of #BuildingBlocks powered by BridgeAthletic. This pullup progression utlizes a combination of body weight, machine, bilateral and unilateral exercises to help you achieve your goal of performing a pullup

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Weekend Warrior: Week 4

By Nick Folker on August 21, 2015

We’re excited about this week’s Weekend Warrior workout. Get excited, grab a partner (spoiler alert their are partner squats!) and get going!

Be sure to be focus on your warmup.
The Jumping Jacks will help prime your body for the rest of the workout.

This week, we’ve included one of our favorite exercises, the Bear Crawl. Get on all-fours - keep your hips low and work on that coordination. Next, for the rest of Round 1, perform the combination of Partner Squat, Pushups and Continuous Jacknives .

For Round 2, combine Bear Crawl, Tuck Jumps, Supine Row and Continuous Jacknives.

If you chose to go 3 rounds, after the Bear Crawls, we give you the choice of either Partner Squats or Tuck Jumps, and either Pushups or Supine Row, finishing off with Continuous Jacknives.

Have a great workout and even better weekend!
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