Building Blocks: The Body Weight Pullup Progression Summary

By Nick Folker on August 21, 2015

Day 5: The Pullup

Welcome to the final installation of the pullup progression in the  BridgeAthletic Building Blocks series . It's time to conquer the pullup! Don't forget to show us what you've got.

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Performance Trends

Building Blocks: The Body Weight Pullup Progression Day 4

By Nick Folker on August 20, 2015

Day 4: The Assisted Chinup

Welcome to the fourth installation of the Building Blocks progression created by Nick Folker and powered by BridgeAthletic. Think you're ready for the pullup? Check out the Assisted Chinup and keep progressing!

The Assisted Chinup progresses the body weight pull from a horizontal pull to a vertical pull. This naturally increases the difficulty of the movement. To aid in the progression, we have added the resisted band to assist the athlete with the vertical pull. Using a chinup grip decreases the difficulty of the movement, aiding in the progression and allowing the athlete to perform more reps and hence improve vertical pull strength.

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Performance Trends

Building Blocks: The Body Weight Pullup Progression Day 3

By Nick Folker on August 19, 2015

Day 3: The Supine Row 

It's day 3 of the Building Blocks progression created by Nick Folker and powered by BridgeAthletic. Today we will highlight the Supine Row.

The Supine Row, or Inverted Row as it is often referred to, adds a body weight pulling movement to the progression. 
The athlete should have greater mastery of the Supine Row after performing the isometric version of this. Progressing to repetitions is a combination of the scapula mobility and stability “learnt” from the Band Bent-Over Neck Pull and strength gained from the Supine Row Hold. 

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Performance Trends

Building Blocks: The Body Weight Pullup Progression Day 2

By Nick Folker on August 18, 2015

Day 2: The Supine Row Hold

Welcome to day 2 of the Building Blocks progression powered by BridgeAthletic. Today we will be introducing the Supine Row Hold. 

The Supine Row Hold is an isometric exercise that is a great follow-up to the Band Bent-Over Neck Pull. After working on thoracic extension and focusing on correct scapular tracking, the Supine Row Hold introduces the static hold to the progression.

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Performance Trends

Building Blocks: The Body Weight Pullup Progression

By Nick Folker on August 17, 2015

Welcome to the third week of #BuildingBlocks powered by BridgeAthletic. This week we will be working through the Body Weight Pullup Progression created by Nick Folker. The pullup is one of the cornerstones of any strength program. It is very important that an athlete can pull their own body weight. There is no doubt the pullup is difficult, but its difficulty should be no reason for athletes to give up on learning good form. Our pullup progressions is intended to help your athletes conquer the challenge of the pullup. 

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Performance Trends

Weekend Warrior: Week 3

By Nick Folker on August 14, 2015

This week we up the tempo and stimulus for our 3rd Weekend Warrior. This workout will test your coordination with some new exercises such as the Up & Out Jacks, then up the tempo by challenging you to do as many push-ups as you can in 20 seconds. 

We hope you enjoy these new challenges and have a fantastic weekend.

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Performance Trends

How to Do a Barbell Back Squat | BridgeAthletic

By BridgeAthletic on August 14, 2015

The Barbell Back Squat

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Performance Trends

Building Blocks: The Squat Progression Day 4

By Nick Folker on August 13, 2015

Day 4: The MB Squat

Now that you have mastered the BW Squat, it is time to add an external load using a medball. The MB Squat is a safe loading progression given the multitude of MB weight ranges available. As with any new external load or movement, focus on keeping the movement controlled and not rushing through it as you adjust to the new stimulus.  Make sure you and your athletes master the previous day before proceeding!

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Performance Trends

How to Do a Split Squat | BridgeAthletic

By BridgeAthletic on August 12, 2015

Day 3: The Split Squat

It's hump day! And day 3 of the Building Blocks progression powered by BridgeAthletic. Check out the third exercise of the squat progression, the split squat. Check out another awesome instructional video below that will help you and your athletes keep progressing!

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