
At Bridge, we are all athletes and coaches first. As athletes, our team has experienced everything from riding the pine on JV, to winning NCAA championships, to competing in the Olympic Games. As coaches, we have helped countless athletes reach their full potential, winning everything from age group section championships to Olympic Gold Medals.
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Recent Posts

How to Do an Incline Pushup | BridgeAthletic

By BridgeAthletic on July 29, 2015

This post marks the release of the first week of the Building Blocks Series Volume 1 powered by BridgeAthletic. Each week you and your athletes will be given the building blocks necessary for mastering the fundamental exercises that build elite athletic performance. Yes, these exercises will seem familiar, but you must remember that without a firm understanding of the basics there is no path towards greatness.

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Performance Trends

4 Exercises to Power Up your Lacrosse Shot | BridgeAthletic

By BridgeAthletic on March 03, 2015

A lacrosse shot demands a full body effort. Like many movements in sport, the shot begins way down in the lower body and ends with the whiplash of the upper extremities. For complex movements like this, force production in the torso and efficient force transfer across the body is critical to creating the peak power necessary for a strong shot. If you’re going to need a lot of force behind your movement, you need to train explosively.
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Performance Trends Competition

How does Duke Lacrosse Warm up for Games and Practice? | BridgeAthletic

By BridgeAthletic on February 20, 2015

13-Step Duke Lacrosse Dynamic Warm-Up


All lacrosse players warm up before competition and training sessions. Or at least I should say, all players go through the motions of a warm-up. The best lacrosse teams, like the 2-time NCAA champions of Duke Lacrosse, activate their muscles through a rigorous dynamic warm-up that truly gets the blood flowing. How do they do it? And why? Carl Christensen, strength coach for Duke University Lacrosse and a BridgeAthletic Performance Advisory Board member overseeing BridgeLacrosse, frequently sees young players dismiss this critical part of their preparation. He says, “Watching high school camps, many kids don’t even warm up. Or sometimes, only half the team warms up, while attackmen go shoot on the goalkeeper—and then they start playing.”


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Performance Trends

VO2 Max for Measuring Athlete Fitness | BridgeAthletic

By BridgeAthletic on February 12, 2015

VO2 max (also referred to as maximal oxygen consumption, peak oxygen uptake) is the maximum rate of oxygen consumption as measured during incremental exercise, usually on a treadmill or cycle ergometer. Maximal oxygen consumption represents the aerobic physical fitness of an individual and is important in determining his or her endurance capacity in prolonged athletic activity. Given this definition, it should be easy to measure your VO2 max and see how your cardiovascular fitness stacks up, right? The answer, however, is not so obvious.

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Performance Trends

New BridgeAthletic iOS and Android App Released

By BridgeAthletic on November 19, 2014

Release 11/20/2014:
Today we are happy to announce that the newest version of the BridgeAthletic app is live in the App Store and on Google Play. Check out some of the new features below:

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Benefits of Stretching: Beyond your Training | BridgeAthletic

By BridgeAthletic on December 12, 2013

Incorporating stretching weekly into your life can improve your mental health in a simple and direct manner. Everyone experiences mental stress, but often that stress can manifest itself in physical stress as your muscles contract in response to stress. As muscles can tense up when you are stressed out, you may not even notice until you stretch to release the tension. Stretching is an easy way to relax tense muscles. Stretching is also a form of light exercise, so you can still enjoy the endorphins that come along with it and see an improvement in your mood as well! Another way stretching improves your mood is by alleviating chronic pain that creates anxiety. 

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Performance Trends

Strength Training Series - The Power Clean Pull

By BridgeAthletic on November 22, 2013

The Power Clean Pull is the first pull exercise in the power series. Following the Dumbbell Jump Shrug, this exercise is the next step in the strength training progression from a strength phase to a power phase. The Power Clean Pull is a compound exercise that helps the athlete develop power and speed through the hips.

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Performance Trends

Barbell Deadlift | BridgeAthletic

By BridgeAthletic on November 07, 2013


In today's video, Nick will focus on the strength training exercise, the Barbell Deadlift. The Barbell Deadlift is the culmination of the deadlift progression, and should only be used once the DB Deadlift and the MB Deadlift are mastered. To assist with form, long-levered or tall athletes should use a Hex or Trap Bar and put bumper plates under the weights of the bar, slightly elevating it. The deadlift is a compound movement that is excellent at building leg, lower-back and core strength, all of which are key components in athlete development.

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Performance Trends