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Sleep Series pt. 4 | Sleep Hygiene

By Jacob Behara MS, CSCS on August 15, 2023

Welcome to Part Four of our Sleep Series! In Part Three, we discussed the power of stimulus control in improving sleep. Now, let's dive into another crucial aspect of sleep improvement: sleep hygiene.

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Recovery sleep

Sleep Series pt. 3 | Practicing Stimulus Control

By Jacob Behara MS, CSCS on August 01, 2023

Welcome to Part Three of our Sleep Series! We're thrilled to take you on a journey through the world of sleep, where we'll be exploring everything from the basics to the more advanced concepts. In this series, we'll cover sleep hygiene and nutrition, sleep trackers, wearables, and more.

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Recovery sleep

Sleep Series pt. 2 | Everything you Need to Know About Sleep Stages

By Jacob Behara MS, CSCS on July 18, 2023

Welcome to Part Two of our Sleep Series! After covering the basics of sleep in our previous article, it's time to delve into the fascinating world of sleep stages and how they can impact our sleep quality. This is an exciting era for sleep research, as sleep wearables and trackers are gaining popularity, and since many of us own a sleep tracker to measure sleep stages, it's important to explore this topic in depth.

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Recovery sleep

Sleep Series pt. 1 | Sleep Basics

By Jacob Behara MS, CSCS on July 11, 2023

Welcome to Part One of our Sleep Series! We're thrilled to take you on a journey through the world of sleep, where we'll be exploring everything from the basics to the more advanced concepts. In this series, we'll cover sleep hygiene and nutrition, sleep trackers, wearables, and more.

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Recovery sleep

Pre-Workout Nutrition Guidelines for Tactical Professionals

By Megan Lautz, MS, RD, CSCS, TSAC-F on June 26, 2023

Tactical professionals require a certain level of fitness in order to complete the task at hand. Fueling adequately prior to workouts or tactical training sessions can make the difference in how hard and how the professional can push. Fueling and hydrating well may prevent injury during training and general fatigue after training. 

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Nutrition Training Tips

Going Beyond the Basics with Your Program Design Process

By BridgeAthletic on June 20, 2023

Craig Rasmussen, the Director of Coaching and Programming at Results Fitness, brings a fresh perspective to program design. Unlike many trainers who start with exercises and work backward, Rasmussen believes in taking a macro-to-micro approach, beginning with the big picture and working down to individual training sessions. In this post, we will explore three key steps from Rasmussen's program design process that result in better outcomes and more satisfied clients.

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Coaching Tips

Rethinking Linear Periodization for Optimal Client Performance

By BridgeAthletic on June 18, 2023

When it comes to strength training, there is a common belief that linear periodization is the key to success. However, James Dabbs, the owner of Dabbs Fitness in London, challenges this traditional approach. Drawing from his personal experience as a former professional soccer player and his research in the field, Dabbs advocates for a non-linear periodization approach. In this blog post, we will explore Dabbs' journey, his findings, and how he applies non-linear periodization at Dabbs Fitness.

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Coaching Tips

Inside the Program Design Process with an Exos Performance Specialist

By BridgeAthletic on June 15, 2023

In this article, we will explore how the BridgeAthletic tools and technology combine seamlessly with Exos' proven methodology to achieve outstanding outcomes for coaches, trainers, and athletes. Giovanni Urrutia, a Tactical Education Specialist at Exos, will take us through the Exos training system, which consists of eight distinct components driven by principles. He has trained elite-level tactical populations, provided performance coaching for professional athletes from the NFL, NBA, NHL, and PGA, and created and delivered over 4,500 hours of performance methodology education. Urrutia is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and Exos Performance Specialist (XPS).

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Coaching Tips

Hydration & Heat Acclimatization Tactics for the Tactical Population

By Megan Lautz, MS, RD, CSCS, TSAC-F on June 08, 2023

Summer is heating up fast - and tactical professionals do not have the option to avoid the heat. Keep your participants as cool as a cucumber with these acclimatization and hydration tips.

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