Improve Athlete Performance: Planning, Nutrition, Hydration, and Sleep

By Juan Pablo Reggiardo on July 05, 2017

Your athlete is generally only training with you 2-10 hours per week. This leaves over 160 hours left in each seven day week for them to be negatively impacting their body and their training. With this in mind, the most important thing you can do as a coach is to educate your athletes on the different processes they can control every single day that will enhance performance. Below is a list of BridgeAthletic's tips to improve athlete performance and help control for the many factors that may inhibit athlete training.

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Nutrition Performance Trends Recovery Sports Technology

Software for Strength Coaches: Programming Made Easy

By Nick Folker on July 05, 2017

The purpose of BridgeAthletic’s software for strength coaches is simple: it’s to empower you as a coach to do more in less time. We strive to deliver a platform that equips you with a way to seamlessly develop your S&C program in real time, as your athletes develop. At the heart of every strength department are the programs, which is why we’ve made the Content Manager the heart of the Bridge platform. Create your own exercises or use our built in library, build out days, weeks, and seasons of training, saving templates along the way to come back to next season or use as a starting point for another one of your teams. When you’re done, review the load analyzer to make sure the program progresses as you intend. Then, quickly schedule your training and deliver it to your athletes, no formatting necessary, leaving you with more time to coach and less time spent on the computer.

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Performance Trends Sports Technology

Software for Strength Coaches: Edits on the Fly

By Nick Folker on July 05, 2017

Strength coaches must be flexible and efficient when training with their athletes. Academic priorities, travel schedules, injuries, and other commitments can understandably conflict with workouts. That’s why Bridge created the Edits on the Fly feature, which will allow you as the coach to make edits to your strength and conditioning program directly on your iPad! 

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Performance Trends Sports Technology

Measuring the Success of Your Strength and Conditioning Program

By Juan Pablo Reggiardo on July 05, 2017

There are many factors that influence athletic performance. Often, strength and conditioning coaches get to witness incremental achievements made both by an individual and by a team in the gym. There is little doubt that a sport-specific strength and conditioning program will always be a key driver of overall success.

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Performance Trends Sports Technology

Structuring Your Strength & Conditioning Program: The 5 Key Phases

By Juan Pablo Reggiardo on July 05, 2017

When putting together a strength and conditioning program for your athletes, there are a number of factors to take into consideration:

  • The number of athletes training at once
  • The training age & experience of your athletes
  • What space/equipment you have available for each session
  • How long each training session will be
  • The number of weekly training sessions
  • Any injuries individual athletes may have
  • Practice and competition schedule
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Performance Trends

Software for Strength Coaches: Program Analytics

By Nick Folker on July 05, 2017


The ability to track your athletes' progress and evaluate your program thorought the season is at the center of BridgeAthletic's software for strength coaches. While mapping results across many seasons is crucial to your team’s success, having the tools to communicate and examine your programming can serve as an equally important factor when assessing results and planning your next steps. The BridgeAthletic software for strength coaches not only allows you to track your athletes' success, but the analytical features enable you to compare those results to the composition of your programming.

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Performance Trends Sports Technology

Volleyball-Specific Strength Training for a Championship Season

By BridgeAthletic on July 05, 2017

Volleyball players spend extensive hours training and practicing in the off-season to prepare for in-season competition. Volleyball-specific strength training will help athletes set realistic goals and build their skills for the upcoming season. Below are tips to better optimize preseason training and in-season performance. 

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Performance Trends Volleyball

Strength Training Software: Leveraging Athlete Maxes and Building with %1RME

By Nick Folker on July 05, 2017

Delivering an individualized strength and conditioning program to each member of a team used to be difficult. Often, we found ourselves calculating percentages based on each athlete’s 1 rep max equivalent (%1RME) and then creating unique lifting cards, containing each individual’s weight prescriptions. However, strength training software and the BridgeAthletic builder does away with these calculations. Simply choose to prescribe weight based on %1RME and deliver your workout to every athlete at once, allowing each value to automatically calculate, based on the percentages assigned. No more mistyped Excel formulas. Spend your time on the floor, not the computer.

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Performance Trends Sports Technology

Software for Strength Coaches: Connecting Your Entire Athletic Department

By Nick Folker on June 30, 2017

Communicating with your team can be a challenge. Accounting for last minute scheduling conflicts, relaying workout descriptions in the off season, and generally keeping track of a high volume of athletes can be a challenge. That’s why we’ve created software for strength coaches and the Team Stream feature to help streamline all communication with your individual athletes as well as the different parts of your department, from sports coaches to trainers. While this simple messaging system can significantly impact your athletes’ engagement and your tracking of their success, BridgeAthletic’s communication features also enable the rest of your training staff to collaborate more effectively.

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Performance Trends Sports Technology